Expected information to be submitted for Confirmation Statement PSC sections

Advice from our policy department:
Confirmation statement is not like the annual return in that it is more flexible. With confirmation statement you pay once for that period (year) with the first confirmation you file, then you can submit as many as you like for the rest of that period free of charge. You cannot submit more than one with the same confirmation date but you can submit as many as you like for that confirmation period.

There is no requirement to input a date when you add a PSC statement, but the public register will output the date that the filing was registered. This may not match the date that the statement was entered in the company’s register so you would need to submit a confirmation statement on the date a PSC statement was added to the PSC register to ensure it is shows on the public register with the correct date. You would then need to submit another confirmation statement to withdraw that statement when it no longer applies. The law does require a date for the withdrawal of a statement, but our system will not allow a statement withdrawal date before the statement was added to the register. You should be mindful of this when submitting confirmation statement(s).

You can have 4 person level PSC statement notifications on a single confirmation statement.

Thank you for getting the reply, however I am still not clear on what can be included in one electronically submitted confirmation statement. To help can you/the policy team consider the below examples and advise on each:

Example 1
06/04/2016 three unknown PSCs identified and this is entered on the PSC register
08/12/2016 two of these are withdrawn and the full confirmed PSC details for the PSCs is entered on the register
09/06/2017 the third unknown PSC is withdrawn and an unconfirmed PSC statement is entered

One confirmation statement dated 01/07/2016 is submitted electronically which has the three unknown PSC statements included

One confirmation statement dated 01/07/2017 covering the period from 02/07/2016 to 01/07/2017 is then submitted electronically with the three unknown PSC statement withdrawals and the unconfirmed PSC statement notification.

Please confirm that the above is correct in respect of electronic submissions.

Example 2
06/04/2016 General company statement that company has not finished investigating to see if there are any PSCs is entered
09/09/2016 Above general statement is withdrawn and replaced with the general company statement that the company has no PSCs

Confirmation statement dated 31/07/2016 is submitted electronically with the not finished investigating company statement notification

Confirmation statement dated 31/07/2017 is submitted electronically with the not finished investigating statement withdrawal and no PSCs company statement notification.

Please confirm that the above is correct in respect of electronic submissions.

Will get our policy team to look at each example for you and get you answers to each.


You’re correct in the two examples you set out above.


Hi @chirst and @snicholas. Between all the examples & responses on this forum to this discussion, I have to say I am well and truly LOST with regard to when it’s acceptable for PSC events to be ‘saved up’ and reported in a once-a-year confirmation statement, and when it’s required for other PSC events to be filed on a confirmation statement on the day that they happen.

Rather than in a policy statement, has Companies House set this out plainly somewhere per PSC event, so that there’s no room for miss-interpretation?

Hello PJ,

Apologies for delay in responding - I will discuss this with colleagues on the team to see if we have anything suitable.


Hello PJ,

There is no requirement for PSC changes to be filed via a confirmation statement on the day that they happen, they are made in the next confirmation statement.

If the company elects to hold their PSC register with us however, then it becomes event driven.

In this instance, changes will not be made via the confirmation statement, but via the appropriate PSC forms.

I hope this clarifies.