790ZF requirements in PSC notifications

A client has attempted to file a PSC01, through our software, regarding a PSC who has a 790ZF exemption. The XML Gateway replied with error code 11528 “JOHN SMITH is believed to have been granted protection by the Registrar under section 790ZF”

PSCBaseTypes-v1-3.xsd contains:

<xs:element name="Individual" type="PSCIdentificationType">
      <xs:documentation>Individual PSC without 790ZG protection.</xs:documentation>

and also contains:

<xs:element name="SuperSecureIndividual">
      <xs:documentation>Individual PSC with 790ZG protection.</xs:documentation>

However I don’t see any elements relevant to 790ZF.
What is the correct way to file a PSC01 for an individual with 790ZF designation?


I need to check on this for you - I will respond as soon as possible.


You should be able to use the standard base types element for this:

<xs:element ref=“SecureAddressInd” minOccurs=“0”/>

<xs:element name=“SecureAddressInd” type=“xs:boolean”/

The above is in base types 3.6


Thanks Simon. I’ll give it a go and let you know if we have any more issues.