BaseType references in PSC Form schemas


I’d really appreciate a clarification on each of the following observations I’ve made regarding the PSC schemas on the page, and confirmation of what version of PSCBaseTypes and baseTypes schemas should be used for each of the following;

  1. The PSCNotification-v1-0 schema references PSCBaseTypes-v1-0 and baseTypes-v3-1. But more recent live versions exist (PSCBaseTypes-v1-2 and baseTypes-v3-3) What version of PSCBaseTypes and baseTypes schemas should be used for this form?

  2. The PSCChangeDetails-v1-0 schema references PSCBaseTypes-v1-0 and baseTypes-v3-1. But more recent live versions exist (PSCBaseTypes-v1-2 and baseTypes-v3-3) What version of PSCBaseTypes and baseTypes schemas should be used for this form?

  3. The PSCCessation-v1-0 schema references PSCBaseTypes-v1-0 and baseTypes-v3-1. But more recent live versions exist (PSCBaseTypes-v1-2 and baseTypes-v3-3) What version of PSCBaseTypes and baseTypes schemas should be used for this form?

  4. The PSCStatementNotification-v1-1 schema references PSCBaseTypes-v1-2 and baseTypes-v3-2.
    But the more recent live version baseTypes-v3-3 exists. What version of PSCBaseTypes and baseTypes schemas should be used for this form?

  5. The PSCStatementWithdrawal-v1-1 schema references PSCBaseTypes-v1-2 and baseTypes-v3-2. But the more recent live version baseTypes-v3-3 exists. What version of PSCBaseTypes and baseTypes schemas should be used for this form?

Many thanks.

Good afternoon PJ,

The base types that can be used are the ones shown in the listed schemas, and every version after that, up until the latest version (of the schema). If the schemas provided haven’t been updated, then the work that has been done hasn’t affected those forms. Although their dependency base types may have updated in version, they can still use the version listed in the schema. If something had changed in those base types that affected those forms, then the schema would be updated to reflect the most recent base type.

There are reasons for this. Firstly, to avoid external developers having to make unnecessary updates to their software (basically updating versions on forms that would have worked anyway). Secondly, if we change anything on schemas then we will have to go through the whole release process, committing updated schemas, updating example files, testing and incrementing the version number of those schemas. Then because we have had to update the schema versions for dozens of unrelated schemas, the external developers then must also update their software to use the newer versions that haven’t changed. It turns into a never-ending cycle changes updating schemas, examples and customer software to make the smallest change to a base type. 99% of those changes will be entirely unnecessary.

I hope this clarifies.


That’s great, Simon.

Many thanks,