We have released the final release candidates schemas for our 30th June implementation, these can be found on our Beta site. Please use these schemas for development.
Just a quick heads up that we seem to be getting a number of 404’s on that page:
Also we can’t see two of the xsds that were present on the alpha gateway, should we still be using the alpha gateway for testing any changes those?
Hi I am receiving the following error when trying to submit to the xmlbeta site. https://xmlbeta.companieshouse.gov.uk/v1-0/xmlgw/Gateway
> <GovTalkErrors>
> <Error>
> <RaisedBy>CompanyIncorporation</RaisedBy>
> <Number>502</Number>
> <Type>fatal</Type>
> <Text>Authorisation Failure</Text>
> <Location></Location>
> </Error>
> </GovTalkErrors>
I’m guessing it is the same as when I first tried to submit to the xmlalpha site! If so can you please copy all user’s account details as I’m sure you will get many more users facing the same issue.
sorry about that it should have all customer details from live but will get support teams to check and get back to you shortly
Can you let me know your presenter id so we can check please [quote=“davedowns, post:2, topic:142”]
I did get that problem yesterday we are looking into it, it seems intermittent and when you reload the page I found it was ok. The missing schemas will be added this afternoon