the schema for the Confirmation Statement or PSC Changes does not appear to allow for any changes to be reported electronically in the Section 790 ZF Exemption or in the Date of Birth for an individual PSC.
Are there any plans to have these fields available for changes electronically or will users always be required to make these changes in paper format?
Kind Regards,
Can you clarify what you mean by “date of birth” change for a PSC please Paddy?.
I ask as we have never offered a DOB change on any of our forms / schemas as unlike an address or a surname, its not possible to change your DOB.
Hi Simon,
On the paper version of the Confirmation Statement there is a section for displaying the Current and Previous date of birth along with a Date of Change field. We assumed that this could be used to correct (not actually change) an individual PSCs Date of Birth. We thought that if the option was available on the paper version that it might someday be available on the electronic version (or it’s a mistake and there shouldn’t be the option on the Confirmation Statement paper version either).
If it isn’t possible to change the DOB then I presume if the DOB was reported incorrectly that the correct procedure would be to submit the RP04 form with the corrected section of the Confirmation Statement?
We would just like to make sure that the DOB field or Section 790ZF exemption are not and never will be changeable fields for PSCs
Kind Regards,
Morning Paddy,
As regards a DOB change, it would, as you say, involve a correction, and as such, the paper based RP04 procedure would indeed be appropriate.
I trust this clarifies.
Hi @snicholas
I noticed you didn’t cover the 790ZF restriction - are we unable to notify if a residential address has a restriction on a change? I reviewed the paper version of the form and this allows you to include this (on both the CS01 and PSC04). Would you be able to confirm that you cannot do this or if this is a bug?
I will look into this and get back to you Mathew.
I have just obained the relevant element from the PSC Base Type schema:
Can you e-mail me at snicholas@companieshouse.gov.uk and I send the details via return e-mail. For some reason, it will not let me post it here!
For a PSC change, it uses the type
<xs:element name="ResidentialAddress" type="PSCResidentialAddressType" minOccurs="0"/>
But for a notification it uses
<xs:element name="ResidentialAddress" type="ResidentialAddressType"/>
Surely it is a mistake to use different types as PSCResidentialAddressType
is missing
<xs:element ref="SecureAddressInd" minOccurs="0"/>
Hi Mathew,
Just to confirm I have not forgotten about this - I am still investigating.
As explained via my private e-mail to you earlier (and included here for completeness), the CS01 schemas are correct. It is possible to NOTIFY that a PSC has a Section 790ZF in place (or is in the process of applying for one), when advising a PSC, but it is not possible to change the 790ZF status for an existing PSC on a CS01. This why the “notify” and “change” elements of the schema differ.