ChargeRegistration - MR01/MR02 - PropertyAcquiredDate


I am using the sandbox to submit a ChargeRegistration - as per the documentation here - PropertyAcquiredDate is optional. When I submit to the sandbox with a PropertyAcquiredDate my submission is accepted. When I submit without a PropertyAcquiredDate my submission is rejected.

PropertyAcquiredDate looks like its only relevant for a MR02, MR01 doesn’t require it.

Is there any explanation for the above and/or what will actually happen in the live environment??


Please ignore the above. The error message was regarding the creation-date and not the fact the PropertyAcquiredDate was missing.

Just to confirm, I can submit MR01 & MR02 forms through the forms API?

Yes Johnny, MR01, MR02, MR04, MR05.