Clarification on the use of element "CompanyType"


As part of the Company Data Download we are making use of the CompanyType element where a Company Number includes a jurisdictional prefix i.e SC000000. In this scenario we our Company Data Download Request will include the following:

CompanyNumber: 000000
CompanyType: SC

Can you please clarify that we should replicate this in our submission XML when we are filing the Confirmation Statement for this Company to Companies House? In addition, could I request that you create a sample XML to allow us to test this scenario in Test Mode.

Appreciate your assistance.

Hi, Can I please ask if someone can follow up on this query?

Many thanks

Hi - Could I please ask for an update on this query?


Hello Marie,

I apologise for the time taken to respond on this, and thank you for your patience.

I am looking into this now and will hopefully supply confirmation this afternoon.


Hello again Marie,

The “company data request” function, although basically a dataread, is a function of our XML filing service.

As such, the header details would be identical for this and all the other software filing submissions (such as the CS01)

Your scenario for Scottish submissions:
CompanyNumber: 000000
CompanyType: SC
would therefore be correct.

I cannot unfortunately supply an example at this stage, but if I come across any relevant usable XML in the next week, I shall let you see it.

I hope this clarifies.


Thanks Simon - much appreciated!

On page 91 Appendix A of version 4.19 of the Companies House Technical Interface Specification, Allowable Company Number Prefixes, it says that for a company incorporated in England/Wales or Wales, that no prefix is required.

However, in the CompanyData-v3-2.xsd, the “Company Type” element gives the enumerated value “EW”.

Which is correct? In the Company Data Download from Companies House, will a company incorporated in England/Wales or Wales be given the Company Type prefix “EW” or no prefix?

Sorry to chase, but can anyone at Companies House take a look at my question?

Apologies this question was missed, we dont prefix EW for England/Wales companies. We originally had a full list of pre-fixes but we decided not to use EW, its treated as the default and we prefix the others to differentiate them. Therefore there will be no prefix, we do use EW for jurisdiction which is returned within the CompanyDataRequest but that is slightly different but just in case you saw that element being returned its different from prefixes. Hope that helps.