As part of our ongoing work to replace legacy services, Companies House will shortly introduce the first phase of our (Rest JSON based) API Filing service, initially with the functionality to allow Change of Registered Office filings.

The goal of the project was to build a digital business ecosystem which will include a test environment and platform. The test environment will mimic the Companies House live service.

We will also be replacing the current BETA API developer hub functionality with a new version with more features to enable API Filing.

The new developer hub will allow users to create and manage applications with information such as application name, description and links to their terms and conditions and privacy policy web pages. The application name and these links will be displayed to any end users of their service if they integrate it with CH’s API Filing platform.

We will keep you informed of progress.


Hi Simon,

Thanks for this update.

It would be great to understand what sort of timescale you are working towards with regards rolling out the rest of the filing capabilities, particularly incorporations. I appreciate it’s always a moving target and you can’t predict what will happen in the world (COVID, Brexit etc.) but it would be good to understand what you are currently thinking in terms of timescales (obviously caveated and not commitments).

Sorry for the delay in responding.

the ability to enable a basic registered office change is the only filing option created within this project – the major work being the development of the platform, and the Developer Hub. There is nothing else planned at present, and further additions would be for future projects to decide.

I would add however that (under a separate initiative) Insolvency forrns are the next most likely items to be enabled, but this is not definite and I can`t therefore give you any possible timelines at present.