Companies House begins phased roll out of new powers to tackle fraud

For Information, the first tranche of our new powers are now active:

Companies House begins phased roll out of new powers to tackle fraud - GOV.UK (

The following schemas for change of registered address / Incorporations are now live (and can be tested through the normal test account facility):

ChangeRegisteredOfficeAddress-v2-6.xsd registered office address with appropriate address statement.xml

CompanyIncorporation-v3-7.xsd with Registered Email Address Limited by Shares.xml

As previously advised, the new Confirmation Statement is valid from tomorrow, the 5th. CS01 submissions made up to 4th March, will need to use the current schema.



Hi Simon,

We updated our code to use the new schema last night but have subsequently
been getting failed validation errors ā€™ Invalid element AcceptLawfulPurposeStatement.
The code was tested against the test endpoints and revised authentication errors which supposedly meant the validation was OK.
It isnā€™t giving validation errors for having a RegisteredEmailAddress error which is odd.

Any ideas what is going on?

The same CS01 filings are succeeding in validation to the live gateway using test credentialsā€¦ which is very odd.
Surly the XML schema dictates the validation and that will be the same regardless of test / live user credentials.

Hi Mike,

Just to confirm your emails of earlier, that you have sorted this issue now?

All being well, we should be able to release all the queued Confirmation Statements later today.


Yes, the issue is resolved.

It seems odd that the filing rules are applied by the due date and not the submission date.

Will the price rise apply in the same way so if the fling was due in the 20th April but filed on the 2nd May you only charge us Ā£13ā€¦ I guess not

Good morning Mike,

I will provide details on how fee bearing documents are treated nearer to the implementation date for the revised charges.


Hi Simon,

Sorry to trouble you, Iā€™ve a query on the AD01 ChangeRegisteredOfficeAddress schema please.

We are under the impression that if a change of registered office occurred with an event date before 4th March 2024 we would still use the ā€˜oldā€™ paper form and the old EF schema if e-filing i.e. ChangeRegisteredOfficeAddress-v2-5.xsd).

However we have found that any AD01 messages (for event dates before 4th March) that are sent using the old v2-5 schema are currently failing with the following error

Missing AcceptAppropriateOfficeAddressStatement element.

As this element is only in the newer ChangeRegisteredOfficeAddress-v2-6.xsd schema I wouldnā€™t expect for it to be validated for when using the older 2.5 schema?

Newer events dates using the new schema seem ok as we do include this element but for the older events using the older schema we wouldnā€™t expect to have to include it.

Grateful if you could take a look at this please.

Many thanks,

Only the new CS01 was effective on the 5th, change of registered address and company formation came into force on the 4th.

We are looking into a validation issue with the change of registered address at the moment.


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Hi Simon,

As I am trying to submit the CS01 with new schema with test credentials in test gateway, I am getting a validation error as mentioned above which is ā€˜Invalid element AcceptLawfulPurposeStatement.ā€™.

I submitted IN01 with new schema without any validation issues but CS01 is resulting this issue. Not sure why? Am I missing anything?

Many thanks,

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What date have you input into the ā€œReview Dateā€ element please? For the new schema CS01 to work, the review date should be shown as 5th March or later.

I hope this helps.


Hi Simon,

Thank you for the help, I was giving date lower than 5th March the whole time. This resolved my issue.

Thank you,

Hi Simon,

It seems that ChangeRegisteredOfficeAddress-v2-5.xsd has been retired now i.e. submitting a message using ChangeRegisteredOfficeAddress-v2-5.xsd now returns the following errorā€¦

Supplied Schema has been expired. [ file:///home/xml/htdocs/XMLGW/schema/forms/ChangeRegisteredOfficeAddress-v2-5.xsd]

As mentioned before we were under the impression that back dated AD01 and CS01 forms (for the AD01 back dated before 4th March 2024 and for the CS01 back dated before 5th March 2024) should continue to produce the old paper form and EF message.

Now that the old schema for ChangeRegisteredOfficeAddress has been retired it would seem this is no longer the case for the AD01 (and LLAD01) i.e. we should always produce the new AD01/LLAD01 forms and EF message - even if the event is being back dated before 4th March 2024?

Could you confirm this is the intention please.

FYI Iā€™ve tried the CS01 back dated and that still works - if could you confirm please it is only the AD01/LLAD01 that no longer uses the old paper form or EF when back dated?

For the IN01 and LLIN01 as you canā€™t really back date an incorporation we always produce the new form and EF messages.

Many thanks,

Hello Alex,

The previous CS01 schema can still, as you say, be used for pre 5th March review dates.

It was never the intention to keep the previous AD01 live and has as such now been retired.

I hope this clarifies.


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Yes, thank you for clarifying Simon.

Much obliged,