Companies House Fee Changes

Our fees will be changing in 2024. These fee changes will fund our on-going operations and new activities related to the reform measures in the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023.

The new fees will come into effect on Wednesday 1 May 2024.

This Companies House - GOV.UK news story provides further detail on the fee values and the date the changes will take effect. Our Changes to UK company law website is also a useful resource to help you stay up to date.


Will the fee still only apply to the first filing?
So I can change a share holder and get charged £34 but the subsequent CS01 will be free?

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Yes Mike,

That is correct.


Presumably then, if I file a CS01 before 1st May I pay £13, then when I file my proper filing a the end of the year I save £21!
If that is the case, as all Accountants are after any way to save a penny, you’ll get inundated with filings at about the same time as you are trying to iron out any issues with the new legal changes.
Doesn’t sound like a recipe for fun.

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We can only make changes when the legislators allow us. Whilst it may indeed be the case that we may see an increase of filings prior to the fee change, the vast majority of CS01s are automatically validated and accepted, so I don`t anticipate any system capacity issues.