Company data request - directors missing residential addresses


We use the company data request call to download data about companies, the director records that get downloaded are normally complete but we are seeing a few records missing the Residential Address element.

If a Residential address isn’t supplied does that mean the data is incomplete or does it mean the director uses the supplied service address for both.


Hi Arthur,

Can you give me examples of relevant company numbers that you have searched on that is missing this information please?


We have only seen it on this director/company

What I want to confirm is that this is a bug rather than a valid option for director address data


I will review with an analyst and respond back as soon as possible.



In this case, a confidentiality order (section 243) is in force - this is why the residential address is blank on this occasion.


Thanks for clarifying this, that’s really helpful.

Is there anyway to know this from other data on the record? I’d worry that we would see the address is missing and then ask the user for it and subsequently send it off to CH as an amendment.
Or would the confidentially order block us from sending address updates?

@snicholas any ideas on the point above?


Any document sent to Companies House (whether paper or e-filed) that includes an officer with a Directors secure address (or suspected DSA) will be immediately referred to the relevant secure team here for further examination on the person suspected as having a DSA. So in summary, the confidentiality order block should work in the way you suggest.