Company Incorporation - Attaching Memorandum of Association


Wonder if someone can help. We are testing out the Company Incorporation submissions over XML but are receiving an error which looks related to the PDF we create for the memorandum of association. Basically we are creating this in our node.js/javascript server using the ‘pdfkit’ npm package. From looking at the raw file the version of the PDF is 1.3 which should satisfy the requirements for document submissions. Once we have created the PDF we then do some base64 encoding before putting in as a element in the XML submission. However we receive back a response from the Companies House gateway which states:

CompanyIncorporation 9999 fatal Invalid version of PDF

Would anyone be able to help with what might be causing this issue or have an example of a working PDF/process which can be used for company incorporation submissions?

Any help appreciated.

Best regards

was there any response on this matter ?


Since that query was posted, we have removed the need for software vendors to supply the Memorandum of Association - Companies House now create the document from the information supplied in the submission data.


thank you Simon, ‘Invalid version of PDF’ is the issue for attaching bespoke articles, do you have guidance on this please ?

I don`t get much problem with PDF submission to be honest - our specification states the following: PDF Version 1.2 through 1.7 inclusive are supported.

All should work.