Company Incorporation Web-Filing Mockups

Would be great to see some UI/UX examples on how the new Company Incorporation forms will appear on Web-Filing, specifically those areas covering PSCs.

I’m curious to know if this will be segregated out into a separate tab, which will require re-entry of details potentially already supplied in other sections, or whether for example you will allow shareholders (with 25% + shareholdings) to be entered and to include a tick a box inline which will reveal additional fields for PSC particulars, thus eliminating some duplication?

@cowiz Each new data set required will, I’m afraid, be in separate tabs and have to be entered for each set. We have not had the time to develop a more customer friendly service, recognising that for many incorporations there will be duplication of officer, psc and shareholder details, given the deadlines on this legislative project.

Nevertheless, it is something that will be improved upon in time, ultimately we expect to have a full filing service on At the moment you can only file change of registered office address on this service.

Nigel Preece