Company Incorporation

I am using the CompanyIncorporation-v3-2.xsd XSD to generate a form for Company Incorporation however it does not define an element to include the proposed name of the company. Is there any guidance on this?

Good morning,

The company number / name elements are contained in the base type schemas (in this case,


Yes, those are defined in the ‘no deal Brexit’ base types (which you reference) however there are no elements to utilise them in the CompanyIncorporation xsd. Am I missing something?

PS: I have to say that the rc1 basetypes (and forms) are far superior to the existing ones … I just wonder how anyone managed to implement any working forms without heavily editing the existing ones.


Can you drop me an email with your concerns at please?


OK - will drop it over the weekend or early next week

I am wondering the same thing - where company name fits into the current incorpration schema 3.5

It should not really need to fit in at all as at the time of submission, the proposed company would not have a number.


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