when comparing the schema for CompanyData between version 3-2 and 3-3-rc1 I have noticed that the elements for CompanyStatement and PSCStatementNotification are no longer of type CompanyLevelStatementType or PSCLevelStatementType respectively and instead appear to have no restrictions on the text that can be returned in these elements.
Can we assume that the information supplied in these elements will still be the enumerated list of CompanyLevelStatementType (NO_INDIVIDUAL_OR_ENTITY_WITH_SIGNFICANT_CONTROL or STEPS_TO_FIND_PSC_NOT_YET_COMPLETED) or PSCLevelStatementType (PSC_EXISTS_BUT_NOT_IDENTIFIED or PSC_DETAILS_NOT_CONFIRMED or PSC_CONTACTED_BUT_NO_RESPONSE or RESTRICTIONS_NOTICE_ISSUED_TO_PSC)
or is this in fact an omission in the schema for version 3-3-rc1 which will be resolved?
This new dataread schema is going to need changing - the only thing that I have officially relaased is the new version of the CS01 for use from June 26th.
The dataread and PSC08 / PSC09 are still works in progress.
All being well, you will have the revised DATAREAD, PSC08 and PSC09 schemas within the next fortnight. The revised draft paper form versions should be available sometime next week.
The delay in releasing the above has been necessary to allow for amendments required as a result of late advice from our parent department (Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy).
I’m assuming that this will also include an update to the CompanyData-v3-3-rc1.xsd schema too to include a reference to the new DATAREAD schema? (these schemas are not currently visible on the Schema Status website Companies House XML Gateway Input - Schema Status).