Confirmation Statement due date different on API / and public Companies House website, as that that was sent via e-reminders and is on the portal

We (Ember Digital Limited) EMBER DIGITAL LIMITED overview - Find and update company information - GOV.UK have a confirmation statement due.

According to Companies House Website / the API it’s due on: 7 May 2021.
According to and the e-filings reminders service it’s due on: 4 June 2021.

We’ve experienced similar issues with a number of clients and can’t work out a). which is correct and b). if the second date is correct - how to access it - so that we can inform our clients of the correct date to file.

Any insight would be helpful!

Cheers, Aaron

Hi Aaron,

This MAY be connected to an issue we had last week. I will check and get back to you as soon as I can.


The latest date is correct Aaron, apologies we have had an issue with this recently, although I understand that we have now resolved it.


Thanks Simon, just to clarify on that one - is it always the e-filing date that is correct or is it the latest of the two?

We’re still seeing the two separate dates across both - I’m guessing there will be a bit of a lag for these to be updated?

Can you give me a link to your latest search response that indicated you are still seeing the issue please?


Yeah, sure no worries:

Companies House Search: EMBER DIGITAL LIMITED overview - Find and update company information - GOV.UK
E-filing Portal Screenshot: Dropbox - Screenshot 2020-10-21 at 09.39.15.png - Simplify your life


We think there may still be an issue with the data in this instance, so I will need to speak to technical colleagues and get back to you as soon as I can next week.