DataMemorandum and Retirement of Formation Schema v3.3

A final reminder that you should not supply your own Memorandum of Association within software created formation submissions from Wednesday 19th May.

In addition, and as a result of multiple requests, we will be supplying the image of the Memorandum of Association that we create from v3.6 of the schema as planned (in addition to the Certificate of incorporation). As previously advised, we’ll supply both these images as a 2 page document via the DocRequest polling procedure (Document Key).
Page 1 will contain the Certificate of Incorporation – Page two will contain the Memorandum of Association (up to 46 subscribers allowed per page).

For clarification on timings, schema v3.3 will be retired at 23:59pm on Tuesday 18th May, and v3.3 filings will not be possible after this time / date.
Also, all v3.6 filings from 19th May will have to show the DataMemorandum element as true, except for LLP submissions which will need to show DataMemorandum as false.

Please note that any v.3.3 (or v3.6 Data Memorandum false) submissions containing the Memorandum of Association that have been received (and passed XMLGW validation) prior to 23:59pm on the 18th will still be processed and accepted after this date, as long as they meet all other examination requirements.