As you will be aware, at this moment in time the UK is due to leave the EU on 11pm on the 31st October 2019. As a Government Agency we must plan for this.
Assuming that we do leave at that date, and in a “no deal” scenario, the relevant schemas that are accessible at the following link (and intended for the original “no deal” exit earlier in the year) will come into place:
I regret that there will be no dispensation for allowing the filing of the previous schema versions (or forms) after 11pm on the 31st October.
You will note that there has been an additional schema added - this is a replacement AA01 (change of accounting year-end) that has been updated to allow a minor enumeration change.
A platform is available to test the above, and can be found at the following URL:
The schema content should reference xmlbeta, instead of xmlgw
Please use a “real” company name and number details please, preferably one of your own (company number element not applicable for IN01).
Please use your 6666………. test presenter credentials.
Authentication Code – 222222
I would again reiterate that these changes will only come into effect if no deal is agreed between the UK and the EU.