IMPORTANT - Identity Documents


Companies House have recently noticed an increase in the volumes of copies of identity documents (driving licence / passport / identity card) submitted to Companies House as part of an incorporation.

We are aware that sometimes identity documents are used to resolve or pre-empt enquiries which may come from Companies House (for example, if an officer has an initial in their name).

However, this email does not relate to those types of instances. Rather, this relates to situations where identity documents are erroneously included in an incorporation. Or where customers may think this information is required by Companies House.

Most commonly, the identity documents are uploaded with the incorporation as supporting information but, at times, the documents are included within the Memorandum and Articles of Association.

Please be aware that identity documents do not need to be sent to Companies House in these circumstances and any incorporation with them enclosed will be rejected. There is also a risk that this sensitive information may be missed during the registration process and will be shown on the public record.

Therefore, I would be grateful if you could please inform your customers and colleagues that copies of identity documents should not be sent to Companies House.

Thank you.