Issuing shares at a premium: amount_paid, amount_unpaid and share_value

Further to this topic: How to calculate TotalAmountUnpaid? - #5 by snicholas, we are confused by how to submit data when shares are issued at incorporation at a premium and when shares are partially or unpaid.

There are 2 elements to this - what to show for each subscriber and what to show in the statement of capital.

Take the example where:

  • a company issues 100 Ordinary shares at £1 nominal value.
  • Subscriber A pays £3/share for 50 shares, in full.
  • Subscriber B agrees to pay £6/share for 50 shares, but they are only partially paid: B pays £4/share, so £2/share is unpaid.

What should the submission look like for each subscriber? Specifically:

  1. Is amount_paid_due_per_share the amount to be paid for each share (A: £3, B: £6), or the amount actually paid (A: £3, B: £4)?
  2. amount_unpaid_per_share can presumably only be the amount unpaid (A: £0, B: £2)?
  3. Should these amounts be submitted as the amount paid/ unpaid per share (as the text suggests) or the total amount actually paid/ unpaid (ie no of shares * amount paid/ unpaid)?
  4. What is share_value? Is it the nominal value of the share (ie £1) or the total amount payable for each share (A: £3, B: £6)?

This is what we think it should be, based on our example, but please can you confirm!

subscribers": [
    "person": {A},
    "shares": {
      "share_class": "Ordinary",
      "num_shares": "50",
      "amount_paid_due_per_share": "3.0",
      "amount_unpaid_per_share": "0.0",
      "share_currency": "GBP",
      "share_value": "3.0"
    "person": {B},
    "shares": {
      "share_class": "Ordinary",
      "num_shares": "50",
      "amount_paid_due_per_share": "4.0",
      "amount_unpaid_per_share": "2.0",
      "share_currency": "GBP",
      "share_value": "6.0"

Or is that incorrect?

Share capital
This has sort of been answered by How to calculate TotalAmountUnpaid? - #5 by snicholas. So in my example it would look like:

There are 100 Ordinary shares of £1 nominal value. They are issued at a premium to 2 shareholders and 50 shares are unpaid by £2/share (so total amount unpaid = 50 x £20 = £100)

"statement_of_capital": {
  "capital": {
    "total_amount_unpaid": "100.00", 
    "total_number_of_issued_shares": "100",
    "share_currency": "GBP",
    "total_aggregate_nominal_value": "100.00",
    "shares": {
      "share_class": "Ordinary",
      "num_shares": "100",
      "aggregate_nominal_value": "100.00"

Hi Oli,

If I can`t find a relevant bit of submission data (which may prove difficult), i will need to try and track down an analyst to look at this.


Thanks Simon. Look forward to hearing from you. We want to offer this to customers, but without knowing how the data will be used/ the share capital of the company will look once incorporated, it’s a bit risky for us to implement the feature and see what happens!

Hi Simon - any news on this, please? :grinning:

I have responded to you via email today.