Latest Company Data Request schema (v3.3 RC3) - Queries


I’ve been looking at the latest Company Data Request schema (v3.3 RC3), and have noticed the following:

  • It refers to a PSC Base Type (PSCBaseTypes-v1-2-rc1.xsd) that is now marked as deprecated as of the 11th April 2017 (as per the Schema Status website Companies House XML Gateway Input - Schema Status). Does this schma need to refer to PSCBaseTypes-v1-2-rc2.xsd now?
  • When reviewing this schema, none of the Statements (Company, PSC, and PSC Linked), refer to the extra element (RegisterEntryDate) that is being returned in the response as per the example response (this contradicts the example v3.3 response which shows the extra RegisterEntryDate element under PSCStatementNotification and PSCLinkedStatementNotification).

If someone could please investigate this, and let me know.

Many thanks


Hello Chi,

I shall refer to this to the relevant developmental scrum team.


Hello again Chi,

You are correct in this instance unfortunately.

The CompanyData schemas should indeed point to the latest PSCBaseTypes. Changes were made to PSCBaseTypes after the last CompanyData change, but CompanyData was not subsequently updated.

We hope to rectify this in our next release, scheduled for 6th June.

As an interim measure however, you could update the reference to the PSCBaseTypes in whichever tool you are using to view the schemas, which will pull in the latest version of the base types until our correction is actuated.


Hi Simon,

Thanks for this.

We use Liquid XML Studio at our end, and I have manually amended this schema to call PSCBaseTypes-v1-2-rc2.xsd

However, there still is an issue with the missing element (the second part of my question). Will the schema also be updated to reflect that the RegisterEntryDate and Statement element is also returned as per the XML Response example for v3.3?

Schema v3.3 RC3:

In the previous schema (v3.2), only a PSC Linked Statement had a “Statement” sub-element.

XML v3.3 Sample Response (downloaded from the Companies House Schema Status website):

Many thanks


Hello again Chi,

It appears our example XML needs to be updated (or rather, it should be regressed to remove the changes we made in CompanyData-v3-3-rc1 around including register entry date). That Register Entry date is no longer required to be output on the Company Data read because it is not required for PSC09.

The PSCStatement sections in version 3-2-1 example file are representative of what that section should look like until we update version 3-3-rc3.

In short, Register Entry Date shouldn’t be on the example file and there are two ‘Statement’ nodes that should also be removed.

We will update version 3-3-rc3 as soon as possible, hopefully in our next release in early June.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.


Hi Simon,

Thanks for this.

We’re wondering if the updated Company Data Request v3.3 rc3 schema and examples are now available? (you’d mentioned on the original reply the 6th June as a date that it might be available to us).

Many thanks


Good morning Chi,

I can confirm this is now available as follows:



Hi Simon,

Thanks for this.

I’ve had a look at the example request and response, and it looks OK now, and does tally up to what you had suggested before.

However, the v3.3 rc3 schema still refers to the deprecated PSCBaseTypes-v1-2-rc1.xsd schema and not the PSCBaseTypes-v1-2-rc2.xsd schema.

For the meantime, I’ll just go back to manually amending the schema file to refer to PSCBaseTypes-v1-2-rc2.xsd

Many thanks
