Missing "PSC" RecordType for the new AR01


We have been looking at the new “AnnualReturn-v3-0-rc2.xsd” which is used from the 30th June, and can see the new Statement of Capital changes, however it does not support the new “PSC” RecordType.

The “AnnualReturn-v3-0-rc2.xsd” schema calls the “baseTypes-v3-0-rc2.xsd” which does not list “PSC” as a valid enumerator.

The AR01 paper form (version 9.0) does show the “Register of People with Significant Control” listed (I couldn’t attach the image of the AR01 section in question as your systen doesn’t allow me to upload an image as it says I am a new user).

If you can please have a look into this as a matter of urgency.

Many thanks

You are only able to submit this via the AR01 paper form, this was a late requirement so we were unable to offer this electronically. Any updates post the 30th June you will need to indicate via the appropriate form. Hope that answers your question


Do you plan to add this functionality to an updated AR01 schema?

Many thanks

No. As going forward people will be filing confirmation statements, so its a transition period, which only affects companies who want to file an AR01 and tell us that their PSC register is at SAIL.

Not a problem.

We have already added validation code our end to block the message from being sent electronically if they are filing a new AR01 with the PSC Register at SAIL. We’ll prompt them to file on paper.

OK, now that we have seen that the ‘live’ AnnualReturn-v3-0.xsd schema is using a newer v3.1 base type of baseTypes-v3-1.xsd (the beta AnnualReturn-v3-0-rc2.xsd schema only used a v3.0 base type of baseTypes-v3-0-rc2.xsd), we can only assume that the “PSC” RecordType is now supported (the enumerator “PSC” was added in v3.1 of the base types).

Therefore, on the XMLGW site, as a test I have just sent a test Annual Return using the AnnualReturn-v3-0.xsd schema with the RecordType of “PSC”, and it doesn’t fail.

Can you please confirm your ‘live’ XMLGW system does now officially support a RecordType of “PSC” for the Annual Return?

If so, we will look to remove our own validation checks that previously blocked if the Register of PSC was held at SAIL Address on the Annual Return XML message.

Many thanks

Just to add to this.

Now that the AnnualReturn-v3-0.xsd schema is using the v3.1 base type (baseTypes-v3-1.xsd) that supports “PSC” as a RecordType, I tried a LLAR01 yesterday night on the ‘live’ XMLGW site, and this was sent down with a RecordType value of “PSC” (the LLAR01 paper form does support this too), and I get the error:

Error Raised By: AnnualReturn / Number: 9999 / Type: fatal / Location: / PSC - Invalid RecordType for LLP

Could someone please investigate why the AR01 is capable of supporting the “PSC” enumerator as part of the RecordType, yet the LLAR01 isn’t? As both use the same AnnualReturn-v3-0.xsd schema which is using the v3.1 base type.

Many thanks


Can anyone give me an update on this please?

As the Annual Return v3.0 schema on XMLGW now uses the v3.1 base type, I can submit a RecordType of “PSC” for a standard company through the AR01. Yet if I try an LLAR01 (which ultimately uses the same v3.0 Annual Return schema), it is not able to support a RecordType of “PSC”.

Error Raised By: AnnualReturn / Number: 9999 / Type: fatal / Location: / PSC - Invalid RecordType for LLP

Many thanks

very sorry this post was missed, we shall look at fixing ASAP.

Hi @chirst ,

Any update if this is now fixed?


Apologies for the continued delay in responding on this issue. We are still considering this at the moment.


Further to my recent response, I have just received an update on how we intend to proceed. Bearing in mind the limited life of the AR01 going forward, it has been decided that we will not amend the LLAR01 to include the record type of PSC, and will be looking to remove it from the AR01 as soon as time allows.

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.