New schema test submission not accepting new field - ChangeRegisteredOfficeAddress

I just tried using the new schema provided for change of company address to prepare for the live release (ChangeRegisteredOfficeAddress-v2-6.xsd) and I’m getting a error:

Invalid element Accept Appropriate Office Address Statement.

I used your template and using our test mode, is this working already or should I wait a little bit more?

In case this new schema is working in test mode, this is the submission example of what we used:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<GovTalkMessage xmlns="" xmlns:dsig="" xmlns:gt="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <FormSubmission xmlns="" xmlns:foo="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
        <CompanyName>TESTING LIMITED</CompanyName>
        <ContactName>Contact Name</ContactName>
        <ChangeRegisteredOfficeAddress xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

Hello, and apologies for response.

You cannot use the usual test service for these new schemas.

Testing details
You can use your live presenter credentials - but show Package Reference as 0012 and Test Flag as 1.

Schema versions to test against:
ChangeRegisteredOfficeAddress-v2-6.xsd registered office address with appropriate address statement.xml
CompanyIncorporation-v3-7.xsd with Registered Email Address Limited by Shares.xml

Schema page:
Test responses
XML failed schema validation error if the XML request failed validation :x:
Authorisation Failure error if the XML request passed validation :white_check_mark:

The ‘Authorisation Failure’ is nothing to be concerned about.
It’s occurring because the test service is not connected to the live presenter database to check authorisation credentials.
It does mean the XML has passed the syntax and validation checks and is moving onto the next stage of system checks (authorisation) carried out against a submission.

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