Persons with Significant control

Sorry the documentation could be clearer, we will update that for the next release and examples.
PlaceRegistered - name of register where entity is registed e.g. Companies House or Isle of Man Companies Registery
CountryOrState - country where the entity is registered e.g. UK, Isle of Man, Germany etc

Hope that helps

Hi can you please provide clarification of the how we use the PSC Level Statements. My understanding is that we have to supply these for each potential PSC identified, but we cannot provide any of the PSC’s actual details (name etc) until they are confirmed.

Thats right for PSC level statements you cannot give any details until the PSC has confirmed their details and that they are a PSC. Until that point you can only provide the correct statement, once the details are confirmed you would need to withdraw that statement filing a PSC09 and then submit the correct type of notification form giving the PSC details.
Hope that helps

Thanks, how will this work practically on the confirmation statement for a company holding their own PSC register.

Do we just supply one instance of this statement, or do we potentially supply multiple instances where we have more than one?

I take it these aren’t then pinned against any entity but are supplied as stand alone statements?

Do you have any examples of the XML for this?

There are different types of statements; company and PSC. There are two statement for company level which basically indicate the company doesnt have a PSC, so you would only give one of these statements, and until it is withdrawn you are unable to send us any other PSC information. The PSC level statements, are for each PSC, therefore if you think you have 4 PSCs and you are awaiting confirmation of their details, you would need to submit 4 identical statements. As each PSC confirms their details, you need to withdraw the statement. The law doesnt allow us to link the statement to a PSC, except in one circumstance where you link a notice to a PSC.
There are examples with each of the PSC schemas and with the confirmation statement, which you can find here.

Hi, I have identified 4 PSCs at my company and will need to send through 4 PSC Statement Notifications for PSC_EXISTS_BUT_NOT_IDENTIFIED. In the Confirmation Statement there is no date sent with my Statement Notification however when a Statement Withdrawal is sent there is a Notification Date that can be submitted which is used when identical Statement Notifications exist for the company.

If I had discovered the PSCs on Monday but didn’t send my confirmation statement until Friday I assume that the notification date that should be submitted on the Statement Withdrawal for these Statement Notifications should be Fridays date as this would be the date that the Statement Notification was registered at Companies House?

Kind Regards,

Thanks for this Paddy.

We will endeavour to answer this for you as soon as possible.



The date that should be noted is the date on which the statement ceased to be true, which in the example quoted would be Monday.

I hope this helps.


Hi Simon,

that makes sense however the schema doesn’t seem to allow us to submit a date with the Statement Notification:

< xs:element name=“StatementNotifications” minOccurs=“0”>
< xs:complexType>
< xs:sequence>
< xs:element name=“StatementNotification” type=“PSCStatementNotificationType” maxOccurs=“unbounded”/>
< /xs:sequence>
< /xs:complexType>
< /xs:element>

So when I send through my Confirmation Statement on Friday I have nowhere in the schema to state that the Statement Notification took place on Monday. This is why I assumed that the notification date would be the same as the ReviewDate that is sent with the statement.

Kind Regards,

Sorry for the confusion, you can give a date for a PSC notification but not for the PSC statement. The date for the statement is the date it is processed and accepted onto Companies House register. You are correct you cannot give Monday as the day it would be the day you sent in your confirmation statement and it was accepted on. The law doesnt permit for us to ask for a notification date, we can only use it on withdrawal as its the only thing we can use to differentiate between identical statement.

Why have new element names PSCCompanyIdentification, PSCPlaceRegistered, PSCRegistrationNumber?

Why must the corporate PSC CompanyIdentification include LawGoverned and LegalForm even if in the EEA?

Does a PSC have to consent to act?

Only on incorporation, if a company is already formed then the PSC has to confirm with the company that they are a PSC so not required on the PSC notification form

the PSC notification in the example incorporation has no consent to act.

apologies it will be updated to include it, it has been a late change in requirements so we wanted to get the schema out

I asked 2 questions re PSC Company identification. Do you have answers?

Sorry I missed you other questions.
The reason for new names is that PSCs dont fall under the category of EEA and non EEA, so is not the same as directors. For a legal person only 2 fields are mandatory, for corporate 2 are mandatory and 3 are optional. If you supply 1 or more of the 3 optional elements you must supply all 3. Country or state has been introduced for PSCs. With the extra field and validation we decided to use new elements as we couldnt re-use the ones for corporate officers. Does that help?


First question:

I’m trying to digest this XML

And I can’t understand why the phrase STEPS_TO_FIND_PSC_NOT_YET_COMPLETED is in there since the company seems to have informed the PSCs.
Also, in the PSC basetypes this phrase is inside the type CompanyLevelStatementType, which I assumed, applies to the company, but in that example XML it seems that the phrase is being applied to a PSC (ie: it is inside StatementWithdrawals together with other StatementWithdrawals’s).

Shouldn’t this phrase be used at the company level and in a scenario where the company has no PSC informed? Is the XML correct? (if it is, what documentation I’m missing that would help me to understand it - excluding the pdf guide :slight_smile: )

Second question:

The phrase PSC_EXISTS_BUT_NOT_IDENTIFIED is listed as PSCLevelStatementType.
I understand that this means that it should be sent inside <StatementNotifications><StatementNotification><PSCStatement> PSC_EXISTS_BUT_NOT_IDENTIFIED ...
But the StatementNotification requires a previous <PSCs><Notifications><Notification> in the XML.
My question is: If the company was ‘unable to identify the registrable person’ what should be sent at the PSC level?


HI. You are right the XML is incorrect and this will be corrected today and I will let you know when its been updated. Apologies for any confusion.