Policy Question: Confirmation Statement

This is more of a policy question… when/if the 4th European anti-money-laundering directive is adopted in the UK in June 2017, I see commentators report that rather than having a responsibility to report PSC updates annually in the confirmation statement, the requirement will then be to report the PSC updates as the happen, like is currently done for directors, etc. Does this mean that the current PSC reporting features in the confirmation statement are temporary in nature, and at some point in 2017 will the only way to report PSC updates to companies house be via the individual PSC forms?

Unfortunately we don’t currently have the requirements for this directive yet to be able to provide you with these details at this time. We will publish information as soon as we get definitive information.

“at some point in 2017 will the only way to report PSC updates to companies house be via the individual PSC forms?” - That’s my guess, FWIW.