Previous names correct XML for directors


Can you clarify former names node for the incorporation schema please.

When appointing a director at time of incorporation and they have a previous name I can use the following without a problem -

< PreviousNames >
< Surname >Blogs< /Surname >
< /PreviousNames >

but if I try to include a previous forename using -

< PreviousNames >
< Forename >Bill< /Forename >
< Surname >Blogs< /Surname >
< /PreviousNames >

The response I receive is -
< Text >XML failed schema validation: Invalid XML: Element ‘Forename’ is not valid for content model: ‘(Forename,Surname)’ line 73 column 17< /Text >

Can you confirm that it is not possible to file a previously used forename for a director?


The schema does allow it, its optional. Could you send the xml you are using please