With regards to the PSC Exemption flags on the Confirmation Statement, now that it will no longer be possible to submit PSC information on the Confirmation Statement how will Companies House expect users to submit their PSC information when they had previously been PSC exempt but are no longer PSC Exempt? Will the user first submit the Confirmation Statement to state that they are no longer PSC exempt and then follow with a PSC01/PSC02/PSC03 form in a separate submission?
Will Companies House reject any PSC forms submitted for a company that currently reports as being PSC Exempt?
Will Companies House supply any PSC information on the CompanyData download for the Confirmation Statement where the company currently reports as being PSC Exempt? This Thread suggests that where the CompanyData download has one of the PSCExempt checks as True then no PSC statements or PSC data will be included as part of the download.
Kind Regards,