PSC09 Companies House Validation

Despite the [PSC09 sample from Companies House][1] containing a ‘Register Entry Date’ that is earlier than the ‘Withdrawal Date’, when I submit the same, I receive this from the Companies House validation;

Type: fatal
Code: 9999
Details: The Register Entry date cannot be before the Withdrawal Date

Which is right? The sample schema or the validation?

Its a reasonable question to ask Paddy.

We are seeking clarification on this point for you.



The dates in the example are contradictory to the validation - the RegisterEntryDate can’t be before the WithdrawalDate.

The relevant scrum team will update the example in time for the next release - I shall let you know as soon as this is available.


Hi Simon,

Based on your answer, I find it difficult to distinguish different purposes for the ‘WithdrawalDate’ and the ‘RegisterEntryDate’. To help me understand better, I have the following questions;

  1. If the ‘RegisterEntryDate’ is after the ‘WithdrawalDate’ and that is
    accepted by Companies House, which is telling Companies
    House of the withdrawal of a notification prior to updating the
    company’s own PSC Register… Is that the correct sequence of

  2. Can the ‘RegisterEntryDate’ and the ‘WithdrawalDate’ be the same date?

Many thanks,

Afternoon PJ,

The answer to 2 is yes.

I will attempt to get clarification on 1 for you.


Hi PJ,

The correct sequence of reporting is as follows:-

When an event such as the following happens: -

a) the statement ceasing to be true
b) the company issuing a withdrawal notice of a restrictions notice
c) the court ordering the cessation of restrictions

The company is required to note the event in their PSC register (they have 14 days to do this). No more than 14 days after noting the event in their PSC register the company must inform Companies House of the event by submitting a PSCStatementWithdrawal.

As part of the PSCStatementWithdrawal submission the company are required to supply: -

  • A withdrawal date (this is the date that the event took place i.e. the date that a statement ceases to be true).
  • The date that they noted the event in their PSC register.