PSCs in companydataresponse xml

Can you please confirm the data that will be included in the companydataresponse xml for PSCs where a PSC has an unconfirmed changed. Will it just be the PSC linked statement or will it be both the full PSC notification with the details before the unconfirmed change filed and the PSC linked statement?

Sorry can you clarify
Do you mean we already have a PSC registered and then you are waiting for them to confirm a change of details so you notify us of a linked statement? If so you would be returned the full PSC details as per the notification plus the linked statement and any other PSC or statements registered.

Yes the situation is as you describe. The PSC has been notified to Companies House and then a change occurs but the PSC has not confirmed the change and the relevant linked statement has been notified to Companies House.

In this instance from your response the companydataresponse would include both the PSC notification details and the linked statement so in effect would return the full details about the PSC in question.

Yes and we are going to add some more companyDataRequest to schemaStatus page later today so we will include one with this example in it

Hi, may I know does the schemaStatus update with the latest GetCompanyData with the sample of PSC scenarios?

The person that responded in May 2016 no longer works for Companies House Jelly, and any information created at the time (if it was) would no longer be valid.