Sensitive Names Lists - relevant to all Company Formation Developers

This message is relevant to all Company Formation Developers that have downloaded the CSV version of our Sensitive Names list:
Annex A: CSV file - GOV.UK (

Please note that list should always be used in conjunction with the relevant guidance:
Annex A: Sensitive words and expressions specified in regulations that require the prior approval of the Secretary of State to use in a company or business name - GOV.UK (
Annex B: Words and expressions which, when used in a company or business name, could imply a connection with a government department, a devolved administration or a local or specified public authority - GOV.UK (
Annex C: Other regulated words and expressions - GOV.UK (

The reason for this is because whilst the CSV list does indeed contain all the sensitive names, some are only sensitive in certain circumstances, and the guidance will clarify this.

For example, Northern Ireland is indeed a sensitive word, but only when It appears at the beginning of the company name - if Northern Ireland is not the first word in your proposed name it will normally be allowed if the company’s registered office is in Northern Ireland.