SIC codes on Incorporation

On the draft of the new IN01 form there is space for adding up to for SIC codes OR a text description of the company’s Primary Business Activity in the section A5 if you cannot identify a code.

In the current CompanyIncorporation draft schema there is a SICCode tag that has a minimum occurance of 0 (which usually suggests this data is optional), but no tag for an alternative text description.

Was wondering whether or not SIC Codes are required on incorporation (which actually presents a few issues for us) and if not, under what circumstances they can be omitted and what the alternative are in circumstances where we cannot determine a code?


SIC Codes will be mandatory for Limited Companies but not required for LLPs, hence why we made them optional with appropriate validation.

If you’re not sure what SIC Code(s) to provide there is some information on Standard industrial classification of economic activities (SIC) - GOV.UK

Nigel Preece

Thanks for the clarification Nigel.

Do you know if a complete list of codes is available in some kind of structured data file or machine readable format somewhere?

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I don’t know. Will try and find out.

We will provide access via the website to a downloadable csv file as soon as can be arranged. I will post on the forum when that happens.

Is there any progress on getting a structured document for SIC codes? So far I only have the PDF as a reference.

Currently the 3.0 alpha schema requires that at least one SIC code be supplied and this schema is used for LLPs too.

We’re expecting the updated Companies House web page with SIC Codes to be available from early next week. I will post the link on a new topic when it’s available.

As for LLPs and SIC Codes there should be validation on the latest schema preventing you from including SIC Codes in an LLP incorporation.

Nigel Preece

Please see new topic

Nigel Preece

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