Statement Notification and Withdrawal Schemas (v1.1-rc)


I see that new schemas have been issued for the statement notification and widthdrawals (PSC08/PSC09) - I have a few questions regarding them.

The new field ‘RegisterEntryDate’ - I understand the annotation is incorrect on both schemas and is being removed in a future release. In the case of the statement notification that this field is now required, it is the date the statement became effective from.

In the case of the statement withdrawal, I am concerned, as we have been told that this field ‘RegisterEntryDate’ will be the date this statement has been withdrawn. What data do we do enter in the field ‘WithdrawalDate’? Are you removing the WithdrawnDate field. What are you doing in the case where multiple statements have been applied? E.g. It could be that 4 shareholders have had a restriction placed on them at different points in time but only one has had their restriction withdrawn by court order. Do you simple record how many restrictions are in place and how many of them have been withdrawn?


P.s. sorry for the brain dump!

Good morning Matt,

Firstly, many apologies for the late response.

Please note that the rc versions of PSC08 and PSC09 on the “schema page” are “works in progress” and as such incorrect. This is why I have not yet officially announced their availability.

I expect however to be able to release proper ones soon so please bear with me.


Thanks Simon for the update.
