Subsidiary and Associated Undertakings


in the AR01 schema there is an element for SubsidiaryAssociatedUndertakings which is not available in the CS01 or in the Company Data schema.

< xs:element name=“SubsidiaryAssociatedUndertakings” type=“SubsidiaryAndAssociatedUndertakingsType” minOccurs=“0” maxOccurs=“unbounded”>
< xs:annotation>
< xs:documentation>
Subsidiary and Associated Undertakings, if any. Maximum 1000 Allowed
< /xs:documentation>
< /xs:annotation>
< /xs:element>

Can we assume that this is an element that is no longer required to be submitted and won’t be sent down in the company data download from Companies House?

Kind Regards,

We got the following advice from Companies House:

It is no longer an option for a company to attach a list of subsidiaries to a Confirmation Statement. It must now be included on the company’s accounts. Attached below is a link to our website regarding the notification that went out informing customers of this-

Change to the way in which a company provides information about related undertakings - GOV.UK