When to send statement withdrawals

I have one simple question if its possible could someone please help with this, when do you send a statement withdrawal. Do you send it with PSC changes and cessation?

At this moment in time, the CS01 is the correct vehicle for advsing PSC changes.

At the time of writing however, the system only currently allows the following on a SINGLE CS01 of the following:
• A single Company Statement Notification which can start and end.
• Multiple PSC Statement Notifications with multiple PSC Notifications, Changes, Cessations and PSC Linked Statements.

Any need to advise changes additional to the above will require the filing of an additional CS01.

I hope this clarifies.



You’ve previously said that if you have a notification and a change or cessation on the same person in the filing period you can do this if you only have that one persons transactions on a dedicated CS01. This superseded your previous advice that (15 Aug) if you had a notification and change/cessation on the same person in the filing period you would need two CS01s to report this. The above makes no mention of the restriction of the notification and change or cessation applying to the same person on the same form. Does this mean the restriction is lifted and we now have a situation where fully flexible reporting is allowed for PSCs but companylevelstatements must still have their own dedicated CS01?

Thanks and regards


Seasons greetings.

I hope to make an announcement very early in the new year that will advise of an increase in the number of options available (as to what can be allowed) PSC wise on a single CS01 (the work is currently at development stage).

I can only repeat at this moment however what can and cannot be done via a single CS01.

You CAN submit:
• A single Company Statement Notification which can start and end.
• Multiple PSC Statement Notifications with multiple PSC Notifications, Changes, Cessations and PSC Linked Statements.

You CANNOT submit:
• More than one Company Statement Notification.
• A Company Statement Notification with a PSC Statement Notification.
• A Company Statement Notification with a PSC Notification.
• A Company Statement Notification with a PSC Change.
• A Company Statement Notification with a PSC Cessation.
• A Company Statement Notification with a PSC Linked Statement Notification.

I hope this clarfies where we are at the moment.
